Friday, January 19, 2007


I have this scar on my foot from the skeg on my surfboard from when i surfed in the outer banks in North Carolina...

It was a nasty cut and it eventually healed but the wierd thing is the injury happened in 2002 and now it is 2007.

Since i am pregnant, My feet are so sore all the time and I need help making them feel comfortable so my husband has been massaging my feet...when he massages over the scar i feel like i could jump out of my skin it is so painful...

so i wanted to find about about scars.

not much to report...

except that scar tissue in INFERIOR skin...and that is why hair wan't grow on scars and so forth...

but why does it hurt?

i can't seem to find the answer...but will.

I did find out that scar comes from a latin word that means FIREPLACE...what does that mean?

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